Just as log homes are centuries old, timber framing is another art from long ago. We began offering heavy timber construction post and beam- timber framing- due to the loveliness and functionality of these homes. Some timber frame structures in Japan and Europe have been standing for nearly 1,000 years.
First the difference in appearance between a Post and Beam home and a Timber Frame. Strictly speaking a Post and Beam usually has a round profile while a Timber Frame is usually a square profile.
Timber framing allows for larger expanses and internal spaces of homes to be uninterrupted by interior load baring walls. The superstructure supports the entire building. Each piece of our heavy timber home and buildings are specially cut to fit within the structure. Instead of glue-lam beams (as some less expensive ‘timber’ home offer) all of our timbers are solid wood, unless a certain span has to be accomplished with a glue-lam do to engineering requirements.
It is not hard to picture barns and even cathedrals with the massive trusses and timbers forming the walls and ceilings. From the turn of the century to the mid 1970’s timber framing almost became extinct because of the introduction of building methods such as steel. But a group of master craftsmen revived this style of construction and it has only gained in popularity in the past 35 years.
Heavy Timber Post and Beam can be used for commercial building, entire homes, home additions, and even entry ways and covered porches. Any structure can be built with framing lumber and nails, but very few have the naturalness and extreme beauty that exposed timbers, king trusses, heavy timber trusses, mortise and tenon, and dovetail joinery add. Also wood dows are often used in a timber frame home.
When a heavy timber post and beam home is built, first all of the timbers are squared. Then each is custom cut to fit into the superstructure. The timber frame kit is totally cut before it is shipped to the job site for assembly. Timbers range commonly from 8″ to 12″. Some especially heavy ones can be as large as 18″x18″. All of our homes come with Construction Drawings. We can build any home or building to any specifications.
Typically, the more complicated the outside outline of the home, the more expensive to create. Bays, wings, changes in roof lines, and turrets all enhance the home but require more time and material to produce.
For timber framing that is far from ordinary, or adding accents to a home through porches and timber stairs, our heavy timber framing is ideal.