The most rustic of log cabins are the handcrafted variety. The use of logs peeled with draw knives, random in width, and scribed together make for a cabin which might have been built there a century ago. If a small hunting cabin kit is built with milled logs, it just seems to loose a bit of the authenticity to me.
Milled logs did not originate until the invention of precision milling machines in the early 1900’s. I know a recent article in Log Home Living claims that logs were milled before that, but to me the logs they featured where still of the handcrafted variety. They were each pushed through a saw to simply make them not as round. It was still done by hand. Today’s best milling machines are totally computerized, mill within 2 – 3 mm of accuracy, pre-cut in everything from corners to end joints, and are not touched by human hands until the logs come out of the other end of the machine.
Two of our small (less than 1700 square feet) standard log home floor plans are shown in the handcrafted log style. The Bridger and Zephyr are built with 13″ mean diameter logs that are full length — free of end joints within the walls. Take a look for yourself. The difference is striking. To me a small cabin kit cabin yearns to be a handcraft. Other cabins are fine, they serve the purpose, but a handcrafted cabin is of another nature. Anyone can build a standard home, but handcrafted log homes are not built by as many log home companies.
To some a small hunting cabin kit is just something that they can throw together quickly. But to others a hunting cabin is also part of the back drop of where they are building. They want to go as rustic as possible so that their cabin looks like it was always part of that piece of the world. Our handcrafted log cabins are kits and are suitable for homeowners who want to build the log cabin themselves. They come fully precut and prenumbered, ready for assembly on arrival. The logs are prepared for the doors and windows, so once the logs are stacked the doors and windows are immediately inserted. There is not another two weeks of cutting required. Some log kits come with the corners precut, but the door and window openings have to be cut into the log shell on site. To me– that is a waste of good hunting time!
So don’t waste your time. Get all of your logs cut ahead of time. Our small hunting cabin kits come in both the handcrafted log and the milled log style. A Bridger log cabin would look great back in the woods, near a creek, or on the edge of open fields. Where do you put one in your imagination?