Handcrafted log siding is designed to match the a handcrafted log home. Usually log siding is used on the gable ends of a log home, on the exterior of any dormers, and sometimes on a garage. There are two ways the log siding is made which vary significantly in price.
The most economical way to make the handcrafted log siding is to take a milled 3 1/2″ x 12″ or 3 1/2″ x 10″ milled log siding. Then a hand peeled finish is applied with a draw knife. Here is a photo of the handcrafted log siding. It has more curvature than a 2×8 log siding and the hand peeled finish makes it a good match for a handcrafted log home.
The other option for handcrafted log siding is where we take the raw logs and slab them and then hand peel the log surface. Overall the appearance is not much different and the manufactured log siding comes with a ship lap stack so it is much easier to install than a half log siding.
There are a few reasons that we use framed gable ends and dormers on handcrafted log homes. When a stacked log wall only reaches 9 or 10 feet then the shrinkage area is limited to just the stacked log wall. Then the gable ends are framed, covered with housewrap, an then covered with the finish of the owners choose. If someone wants the home to look like solid log into the gables then the log siding is a good choice. If someone wants a contrast of materials then cedar shakes, wood siding, tongue and groove or even stucco can be applied to the exterior of the gables and dormers.
On this handcrafted log home 1×10 western red cedar bevel siding is installed on the gable ends on the exterior. On the interior 1×6 pine tongue and groove is installed vertically. The deeper red color of the cedar is visible against the Douglas Fir handcrafted logs and the pone tongue and groove soffits.
The tongue and groove on the gable end below could have been installed horizontally or diagonally. Between the tongue and groove is the vertical log support posts for the ridge beam and purloins. The vertical posts frame in the tongue and groove and set it off. Also we see the ceilings are tongue and groove. This combination works very well on the interior of a handcrafted log home.
Whatever your dreams there are a wide variety of styles and finishes to make your home appear just like you want it. Take the time to explore the various finishes. When the preliminary drawings are being done for your log home we can even draw in a few different gable and dormer exterior finish. Then you can choose what suits you the best.