Log cabin kits are a good way to insure the quality of your home. Logs are not like other building products. It is wise to purchase a log cabin kit precut from the mill. Log kits typically include the four exterior log walls, log or timber roof system, log floor joists, log staircase, log railing for one side of the stairs and loft edge, log support posts and header beams for covered porches, log wall assembly materials, and construction drawings.
The precut milled log cabin shells come with the door and window openings precut into the shell. Also the corners are premade. In less a home owner only wants a random length logs, then the construction drawings must be part of the log shell package. Included with the log shell is a cut sheet which dictates how long the various logs need to be.
One thing to keep in mind as you order a log cabin is that some companies allow you to change a floor plan, while other do not– or charge more if any changes are made. Our floor plans are full customizable. We see a floor plan is a place to start. Then we talk with you and begin making changes to a floor plan that is similar to what you plan to build. Common changes are adjusting the length and or width of the plan, adding a loft, adding a garage, taking out a full basement, and adding dormers.
So with your log cabin be sure to keep dreaming. Even if it will be some time before you realize your dreams, keep on adding to your log home folder. Keep photos, sketches, and anything else that stands out to you as something you long to have in your new home. All log cabins are different, so take the time to make yours special.