A Frame log cabins are a popular choice. The designs with steep roof lines are attractive, but what, exactly, can be fit within the walls of these cabins? The steep roof pitch does limit the space some as it provides a sloping interior wall. This cabin below is our Lodge Pole design. Let’s look at this one in light of maximizing space while still keeping the steep A frame appeal.
This is the front and side elevation of the Lodge Pole. This design offers a stacked log wall for the first floor and a steep 12/ 12 pitch roof on the upper section. A front upper balcony and a covered front porch also detail the front of this log cabin.
This is the first floor of this cabin. The plan offers an open first floor with a full bath and the stairs leading to the loft. The overall square footage of this floor plan is 966 square feet. The first floor is 576 square feet. The loft floor plan is 390 square feet. The first floor does not need any attention as it does not have any angled walls like the upstairs.
Now to look at the loft floor plan. The staircase follows the roof line from the landing to the loft. This is a 3/4 loft as only part about one-fourth of it is open to below. By extending the loft forward in the plan access to the upper balcony can be gained. An open loft space is located on the right and a bedroom to the right. To accommodate the roof pitch the closet is located in the center of the cabin instead of out to the edge of the plan. When drawings are done for a cabin like this often the designer will make an approximate roof height towards the outer edges of the loft plan.
Our next cabin is a steep A frame style but does not have the front balcony. This plan is shown in the milled log style. The roof line extends out on the peak and bevels back to the top of the walls. There is no dormers, just a straight roof line. A covered porch or an upper balcony would soften the lines of this cabin some. Also dormers would make the upstairs more easily usable.
Log homes need to reflect the people who desire to live within its walls. The A frame log cabin layouts can be modified by making them wider, deeper, or longer. The addition of dormers can dramatically change the uses of the upper floor. Also adding a full basement can greatly increase the finished square footage of the A frame log cabin.