Our Swedish Cope log homes are part of the feel of the West. A full round log with the saddle notched corners are our most popular milled log style for our western United States customers. While the D-log of course has a strong presence in the log home world, the Swedish Cope feel and style is hard to match.
What makes a Swedish Cope log home unique? Swedish Cope logs are round on the inside and outside. The top is also left round. A half moon shaped groove is cut into the log along the bottom. This concave groove provides overlapping one log to the next when the log wall is stacked and gives this log style it’s name, Swedish Cope. The log corners of a Swedish Cope home are full saddle notch. When the corner of the home is viewed, the end of each log is visible. The other common method is butt and pass corners where every other log end is exposed. Swedish Cope homes only stack with the full saddle notch corners.
Swedish Cope logs have a consistent diameter down the entire length of the log in either an 8, 9, 10, or 12 inch diameter. Each log is hand selected. Then it is placed in a log lathe. The lathe turns the log round and round until it is a uniform diameter end to end. Then the logs are coped to give the stack.
The Swedish Cope log shells are precut with the door and window openings cut into the log walls. Also the corners are prenotched for easy stacking. With Swedish Cope logs it is a wise idea to use to rows of foam tape between each row. This helps to further seal the home.
For a more rustic feel the logs can also be hand peeled with a draw knife pattern. This provides the consistent look of the same log diameter down the length of the logs while the surface has the tell tale draw mark knife surface.
Interior log walls is another integral feature of our homes. Why would interior walls be made from solid log? Because extra structural integrity is gained by these walls. Logs spans are different than those of standard construction homes. This being said, the increased integral strength of provided by interior log walls make them extremely beautiful and exceedingly strong. Interior log walls are usually added on the sides of the great room, where a solid log garage is attached directly to the log home, and other structural areas. Occasionally we do have a customer who requests that ALL of the interior walls be made of solid log. This is a beautiful but costly upgrade.
The roof system of Swedish Cope homes can either be round logs, square timbers, glu-lam beams, or standard trusses. Many homes utilize a combination of these styles. Most commonly round logs are used for the great room section of the home. Then over the bedrooms and garage areas standard trusses are incorporated. This helps limit the costs somewhat on the homes and also allows for things such as attic trusses over the garage to expand the living and storage spaces.
Another option for our Swedish Cope log homes is a fully precut package. This is where we take the log shell and entirely assemble it in the yard, precut all of the electric box holes and wire holes into the logs, recess around the door and windows for the finish trim, keyway the window openings, and pitch cut the ridge beam and purloins. Some companies refer to this as their “Handcrafted Log Homes”. Instead, to us a fully precut Swedish Cope log shell is just that, entirely ready for delivery to the job site.