The quest for the perfect log home is not always as simple as you may think. It is easy to pick up a magazine and thumb through it, but soon you realize there are so many choices. So how do you wade through all of the information? I believe the easiest way is to let some luxury log cabin homes do the choosing for you. Instead of getting bogged down in an endless maze of articles which are riddled with opinions, new terminologies, and construction specific lingo– go directly to the photos.
Look for homes that attract you and save them. Clip them out of magazines. Print them off the internet. And even take some of your own photos. Fairly soon you should see a pattern. What factors do all of your homes have in common? Do you thrive on an angled prow front? Is a big heavy handcrafted log catch your eye?
Floor plans go hand in hand with the photos. You probably have at least a vague idea of how large a home you are interested in. As you come across log home photo that interests you be sure to print off the floor plan as well, if it is available. If you see a home on a website without a floor plan you can email and ask for the floor plan.
The next step is to give us a call. Email or snail mail us your top choices. We can review them and tell you what type of log or timber home it is. Then we can look at the floor plan and give you a rough estimate on pricing. It is very hard to give accurate price quote estimates without something to base them on. This is where a floor plan is a very important key for budgeting your project.
One problem you may encounter is you like a floor plan but not the style of the log home. Don’t let that concern you. We can modify any floor plan for any of the five styles of log home we build. Some things may have to be adjusted, like adding an interior log wall for structural support, straightening out a wall, or adding some log trusses but almost always our structural changes only further enhance the look of the home.
So as you endeavor to locate just the perfect luxury log cabin home don’t loose sight of your dream by striving to learn every term. Instead start with what appeals to you visually and let us worry about the details!