Reasons to Build New Montana Log Homes

Sue | March 13th, 2014 - 6:39 am

If you are relocating to Montana and desire a log home there are two choices: purchase an existing log home or build a new log home. For many, moving here is a life long dream that has been saved and planned for accordingly. Buying a home is quicker than building a new one, but here are some very good reasons to choose to build a new Montana log home.

Location of Property

When building a new log home you can choose which property you want. When a parcel comes with an existing house then you have to settle for what that home offers. Something as seemingly simple as the direction the home is turned may deter you from desiring it. If the whole point of purchasing a home near a lake is for the view, and in the end, you can’t even see the lake from the house, then the purpose has been defeated. Looking at vacant land in the same area may yield a wonderful view which you can position your future log home to take full advantage of.

Construction of New Montana Log Homes

The construction of a home is always a concern. When a new Montana log home is built you have the choice of the builder, the floor plan, what type of foundation you want, and just about as many more details for which you could possibly want to make decisions. It is a comfort to some homeowners to know exactly how deep their Montana cabin builder is placing their footers, what type of insulation is going into their ceilings, and what type of material is being used for the sub-floor. These are details which are usually not easily determined with an existing home.

Customizing New Montana Log Homes

One of the biggest attraction of building new is being able to customize your log home. Floor plans are the definition of the walls which will enclose your most sacred space– your home. Your log home may be the first home you have ever built new– and it may also be the last home you want to build. When one or both of these factors apply it is worth the time and effort to choose how the rooms fit together, the exterior layout, and selecting your finish materials. As log home builders in Montana the customization of a floor plan is one of the most common reasons people give us for desiring to build new.

july 26th front log home gable from angle

Features For Your New Montana Log Home

One theme many homeowners state is: this is their retirement home and they want it totally built. The joke about our own personal homes is they are never totally finished until we are ready to sell it. If this is your last home then you don’t want to wait three years to put the big covered porch on the home, built that attached garage, or stone the foundation. Honestly, cost is usually the driving factor that keeps a home “a work in progress”, which of course has its place. But there is also a time when it is better to choose a smaller log home than to build a big home that you can’t afford to totally finish.

Finally Building on Your Montana Property

Montana is full of parcels of land which have never been built on. Part of the reason for this is so many owners live out of state. While some lots are purchased with the intent of resale, there are many individuals who purchase property  with the dream of someday building and living there. When this is the case there is only one solution, to build.

As you plan to build your new log home one of the best things to do is to explore our photo galleries and floor plans. We can also customize design a floor plan for you. Keep your thinking two fold– what you desire and what you can afford. Think about how much space you really need or want. Even if you like your bedroom on the upper floor, keep in mind that it might be a good use of space to put at least one bedroom and a full bath equipped with a walk-in shower on the main level. Then if you are unable to climb stairs at some point you don’t have to sell your home or totally remodel so you can still comfortably live there. So now go and do some dreaming…

Cowboy Log Homes, Montana



Any projected costs, cost estimates, material costs, and estimated construction/ building costs, are only the opinion of Cowboy Log Homes and are drawn from our experience. Every home is custom tailored to meet our individual client's wants and desires. The construction of a log or timber home is based on two primary costs: material provided by the log home company and construction costs contracted with Cowboy Log Homes as the builder or another builder of the customer's choice. Final costs are obtained and contracted with each respectively. Cowboy Log Homes is simply the "glue" that helps bring these two together to provide a final culmination of a customer's project. * Please note photos and elevations may differ some from accompanying floor plans.
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