Log homes are not the selection that just anyone makes. Instead it is a choice based on a personal log home passion with a rustic log cabin. Very few cabins are built by people who are only trying to match the geographic surroundings of their property.
On major obstacle can be locating a builder who is knowledgeable about log homes. If you speak with a builder that tries his best to convince you to build a standard construction home and install log siding on the outside, then you don’t have the right contractor!
Builders are afraid of home styles of which they do not possess personal expertise, but they don’t want to loose your business. With this mind set they will embellish potential problems, raise cost estimates, and try to devalue your cabin in your eyes.
So do yourself a favor and call us instead! We love log homes and strive to do everything possible to see your cabin dreams realized. We not only supply log home packages, but we also have a network of builders that we work with across the United States. We are up to date on buildings costs and are able to either build your cabin for you or channel you towards contractors with similar pricing and expertise. Primarily we build in and around Bozeman, Montana.
A few years ago we watched in dismay as a log home customer let a builder he had contacted talk home out of his log home dream. And this couple had the money in the bank for the whole project. Even when we provided solid cost estimates with two of our builders that fit within the homeowners’ budget, they were scared to move forward. It was so sad to see an uninformed builder cost this couple their log cabin dreams.
So be informed. One of the best sources for educating yourself about log cabins are the multiple articles on this website. You can even use the search function on the right end of the toolbar to search by topic. For example try typing in, “Prow”. A list of all the articles and pages than mention that word come up. Even keyword phrases or plan names will take you to more information about each. More than anything we want log cabin owners to see the reality of log homes based on our 15 years of field experience and not to be misled by non-log home contractors. Log homes are a passion with us and probably with you too!