Planning Sets- To help with planning your new log home, we are pleased to offer a Planning Set for any of our stock plans for $99. For $99 you receive an emailed PDF file and a permission slip granting you permission to print hard copies for planning and gathering subcontractor cost purposes. The plans can […]
The Carriage House Log Garage Plan (Scroll Down for Floor Plans) Click Here for Carriage House Garage Plan Levels: 2 Square Feet Garage Level: 926 Square Feet Living Space: 790 The Carriage House log garage plan is designed as a three car garage with living space above. It is shown here with two gable […]
The Stagecoach Log Garage Plan (Scroll down for Floor Plan) Click Here for Printable Version of Stagecoach Log Garage Shop Plan Dimensions: 36′ W x 40′ D Levels: 1 TOTAL Square Footage: 1,440 Three Car Garage with shop The Stagecoach plan is a three car garage with a shop. A taller third door with […]
The Sagebrush 2 Car Log Sided Garage (Scroll Down for Floor Plans) Dimensions: 24′ W x 24′ D Levels: 1 TOTAL Square Footage: 576 ~Designs only? Planning Set $99 or No Change Construction Drawings $200 ~ The Sagebrush 2 car garage plan is shown here as a conventional garage covered with log siding. This is […]
The Hitching Rail 4 Car Log Garage Plan (Scroll down for Photos) Dimensions: 46′ W x 28′ D Levels: 1 TOTAL Square Footage: 1,288 ~Designs only? Planning Set $99 or No Change Construction Drawings $300 ~ This Hitching Rail log garage is a four car garage plan. It is shown here in a framed garage with log […]
The Carriage House Log Garage Plan (Scroll Down for Floor Plans) Click Here for Carriage House Garage Plan Levels: 2 Square Feet Garage Level: 926 Square Feet Living Space: 790 The Carriage House log garage plan is designed as a three car garage with living space above. It is shown here with two gable dormers. […]
The Shining Mountains Plan (Scroll down for Floor Plans) Dimensions: 62′ W x 72′ D Levels: 2 First Floor Square Footage: 1,648 Second Floor Square Footage: 532 TOTAL Square Footage: 2,180 Garage Square Footage: 784 Bedrooms: 3 + Open Loft Baths: 2 First Floor Laundry, 2 Car Garage ~Designs only? Planning Set $99 or No […]
The perfect compliment to go with Cowboy Log Homes are Cowboy log barns. Other outbuildings, such as detached garages, gazebos, boat houses, shops, etc can also be built from stacked logs. For many cabin owners it is very important that all the buildings around their log home match.
Log cabin barns can range from a smaller 2 stall barn with hay storage up to a large horse stable. Other features sometimes included within a barn floor plan can be an apartment, office space, tractor and tool storage, etc. Gasoline or any tool or machine using gasoline should never be stored in a horse barn due to the fire hazard. Instead a separate shed or building should be used to house gas powered items. (Don’t forget a 4 wheeler runs on gasoline too.)
When designing a log barn it is best to start with the number of stalls you anticipate needing. A standard box stall size (very few horse owners build standing or tie stalls) is 12 x12. This allows enough room for horses of all sizes to lay down and get up freely. Overhead height is also important. A scared horse can rear up and hit its head on a barn ceiling if it is not high enough. I like a barn ceiling that has 12 foot height. The solid part of the stall wall should be at least 4 feet high. Then above the solid wood sides bars, wire, or chain link should be installed. This keeps horses from reach out and biting each other. The doors of the horse stalls can be either siding doors or hinged doors. This small log barn above is shown with two Dutch doors.
When a log barn has a center aisle traveling from the front of the barn to the back, the box stalls open into the aisle. The door ways of the stalls should be about 4 feet wide. One caution is to make sure that the tracking the rollers are hung from is not lower that the height of the barn ceiling. If the ceiling is 12 feet high then the frame of the door should extend up as high as possible and the rollers mounted high over head near the ceiling. There are two reasons for this. A horse can rear when they go through the door way. If the doorway is low then the horse is more likely to hit its pole (nerve center between their ears) on the top of the door frame. The second reason is sometimes if a rider rides the horse into the barn the horse may dive into a stall with the rider on its back. If the stall door height is lower than the ceiling the rider can hit themselves on the top of the doorway frame and get hurt.
Log barn aisles should be anywhere from 12 to 16 feet wide. This allows for easy access for a tractor pulling a manure spreader. Also this allows for young horses to be ridden up and down the barn aisle when they are first being trained.
A nice addition to a barn is a run-in shed on the side. When run-in sheds are available for the horses then there does not need to be as many box stalls. Most horses do very well turned out with other horses. Having the run in shed allows them to get in out of the weather but also freely go back out. A good size for a run-in shed depends on how many horses you plan to use it for. If you have a 6 stall barn with a center aisle, then the barn is probably 36 feet long. A shed roof can be extended off of the length of one side of the barn providing a shed that is 36 feet long and 8 to 12 feet deep. Also open sheds are easily cleaned with the use of a tractor with a front end loader or a skidsteer.
Our log barn kits are very similar to a log home kit. The package can be purchased as either just a log shell or as a full dryin package. The 8 inch milled log size is the most economic. To help protect the logs it is wise to extend the footer up to provide a cement knee wall of anywhere from 12 to 24 inches above the soil line. On the interior of the barn the box stalls should be lined with either thick plywood or wood planks. Rough saw wood planks work well. Any type of fruit wood should always be avoided as it can be toxic to horses.
Log horse barns can also come equipped with a heated tack room, wash stall, feed room, and even a vet area. If possible it is better to keep the feed room separate from the feed area, even if it is just partitioned off by a wall. This helps to keep any mice, etc from being attracted into the same area were the bridles, saddles, horse blankets, etc are stored and causing subsequent damage.
Log barns are a rustic choice which accent a log home, instead of distracting from it. A log barn can be built of stacked logs or as a framed structure or pole building with log accents. To match the home log siding can be installed on the outside of the barn. Log corner posts can be added. We have even added little log tails to the end of the peak of the gable and intermediate out riggers to give the feel of a log ridge beam without the expense. We are happy to design any log barn floor plan. We have many years of experience in the horse industry as well as with log homes.