Great Room and loft of log home. If this photo appeals to you I encourage you to take a minute and step back and think about what attracts it to you. Then take those features and compare it to your own log home plan. You may find a big difference. Here is a bit of advice for when you build your log home. If you are constantly afraid of spending a little bit more for things that transform a log home into something really special then your log home may not really satisfy you. There are ways to economize on building a log home, but don’t forget to carefully consider before dropping the loft, the log roof system, the stone fireplace, the handcrafted log railing, cathedral ceilings, solid wood home, etc. etc. These may be the very features that attracted you in the first place. Don’t throw your log home dreams out with the ‘bath water’. Cowboy Log Homes
Album: Milled Log Home Pictures
Date: September 17th, 2013