Why Our Small Log Cabin Kits Work Great For Hunting Cabins

Sue | November 27th, 2011 - 9:10 pm

We all love our little peace of heaven away from it all. That is what a cabin in the woods, in the mountains, or by a lake is to many. Our small log cabin kits are perfect for any location. The desire for quality is still present, even when the tiny mini cabin may only be 450 square feet. Here are some situations in which our little cabins shine.

No electric on site~

Though this may sound far fetched, it is not. Even on job sites close to town we have had to use generators until the electric service was installed at the cabin. With a precut shell the log stack time is reduced. Also a fully precut handcrafted log shell for small log cabins only requires one day to stack, then it is ready for door, windows, etc. The shortened stack time reduces the days on site that a generator have to be used.

chalet style log home with log roof system

Remote Locations~

When a cabin is going to be built in a remote location our cabins have been purchased by individuals and businesses. One of the most unique uses has been for locations which can only be reached by bush planes and helicopters. In this case typically an Otter plane is used to transport the logs. The logs are cut to ten foot lengths for easier handling. Also all exterior and interior walls can be built with solid stacked logs. Then no other wall finish material is needed on site. Also the logs stack up more quickly than installation of drywall, tongue and groove, or other options.

A Home Owner Building The Cabin Themselves~

A homeowners who desires to build a log cabin themselves is helped along in the process when the door and window openings are precut and the corners are prenotched. Also good blueprints make the process easier.

With the wide variety of small log cabin kit floor plans on our website there is a wide variety to choose from for your hunting cabin. Any floor plan can be modified in any way that you would like. The precutting we offer in the milled log homes and the fully prucut option with the handcrafted log homes make building them faster and easier for the owners or contractors.

Cowboy Log Homes


Any projected costs, cost estimates, material costs, and estimated construction/ building costs, are only the opinion of Cowboy Log Homes and are drawn from our experience. Every home is custom tailored to meet our individual client's wants and desires. The construction of a log or timber home is based on two primary costs: material provided by the log home company and construction costs contracted with Cowboy Log Homes as the builder or another builder of the customer's choice. Final costs are obtained and contracted with each respectively. Cowboy Log Homes is simply the "glue" that helps bring these two together to provide a final culmination of a customer's project. * Please note photos and elevations may differ some from accompanying floor plans.
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